Kate of Kintail's Highlander Adoptions


*Adopt an Immortal
or a Mortal

*Adopt a Flashback

*Adopt an Angel

"Defender of Duncan's Honor"

What are we really without our honor? Souls without substance. Names without meaning. Honor is the very core of the noble Scottish Highlander. It is his honor that makes him defend his name, keep his promises, act with good morality. It is his honor that I cherish and hold closer to me than any other aspect of his good character. I shall defend the honor of Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod forever.

Adopt an Immortal or a Mortal!

Trollheart's page in which you may adopt a small but important piece of your most favorite character.

"Cherisher of His Role in Culloden"

The bloody Battle of Culloden on April 16, 1746, definded the skill of the Highlanders against that of the oppressive English army. Fought on the Culloden Moors, the stoic Highlander warriors suffered a terrible loss of both honor and lives. For all who died, one remained to define their struggle, a brave and noble Duncan MacLeod. He fought alongside his kinsmen as a true Highlander and, when it was asked of him, he helped the Bonnie Prince escape safely to the Isle of Skye.
Duncan MacLeod is the truest exaple of a fighter in Culloden, fighting for justice and freedom, then saving the figure that all of Scotland needed to believe in.
Though I weep for those who lost their lives throughout the defeat and for the years of torment that continued to plague the Scottish Highlands, I am proud to cherish Duncan's role in Culloden, as it brings me closer to the noble battle that was fought for all who love Bonnie Scotland.
Remember the honorable Highlander from the village of Glenfinnan, where now stands a tribute monument.
And on April 16, remember the real men who gave their lives to their bonnie prince, their beautiful country, and their children and ancestors.

Adopt a Flashback!

Milady's Adopt a
Flashback Page!

Here you can adopt your most favorite flashback so that a part of Highlander history will be with you always.
After all, we are 'watchers,' why not hold a little part of the past?

My Adrian Angel

Now is that a sight or what?
How's about having him to watch over you?
Please do not copy this graphic. The makers of the Angel Adoption page would like to be the ones to distibute all angel graphics they create. You can get your own just as easily, anyway :-)
Adopt an Angel

There are different Adrian Angels, as well as a hundred other kinds(traditional and otherwise) pertaining to special events, holidays, and emotions that are truly beautiful(my other favorite is the Easter one, under the Special Angel category! Very lovely!)